About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

This poem is about.. (6th grade, Rm. 109)

Over the holiday break, I was reading Robert Creeley's for Love, and I became obsessed with his poem called "Please." I shared this poem with the kids, and asked them to approach the idea of a poem that referenced itself as a poem, for instance by saying "This poem is for..." or "This poem is about..." Many of them also used other devices that Creeley used in his poem, such as repeating a single word to convey emphasis. The group of poems below is from Mrs. Hernandez' 6th grade class in room 109.


So Lonely
Joey M.

This poem is for my cousin
lying in a dark room!
Silence, silence, silence.
She gets so lonely
quiet quiet quiet
like putting on headphones
nothing but air.
This is a poem for my family.

Jacqueline S.

This is a poem for everyone
I want to go everywhere
everywhere, everywhere
where the loudness is there
This poem is about loudness
every day is loud, loud, loud
I dedicate this poem to my mom

I Want
Christian H.

I want to write a poem
that will cry, that will
touch the sky.
I want my poems to be
alone or to be with
I want, I need, and I get.

I want to write a poem that
will live and die.

I want to write a poem
for you.

Please Leave it Clean
Miguel G.

This is a poem for my mom.
Tired, let me rest, for a bit can I
sit, cleaning like a maid all day.
Tired like a just ran 5 miles non
stop. Have many bumps and bruises
from hitting my body on stuff
all day, have a headache from
hitting my head, and helping the
kids with the homework all day
today. Can you leave the house
alone for once. Please leave it
clean. This is a poem for my

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