About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

This poem is about... (7th grade)

When the 7th graders came at this assignment, I felt like it gave them some space to express some things that they hadn't necessarily had a chance to get into before. For instance, Charles' poem seems much more empassioned in tone than many of his earlier pieces. Rene's poem about baseball employs some incredibly striking imagery. In fact, many of the students took this opportunity to either pay tribute to something that they care deeply about (soccer, family, a distinctive friend, skateboarding), or blow off steam about something that gives them anxiety.


Mrs. Jamen, Rm. 207, 7th grade

Charles H.

This is a poem for all the people
who suffered or had a
This is a poem for me
This is a poem for you
I want to write a poem that
will catch you and make you
This is a poem for people
who don’t have everything they
Think please think
and get lost in another
world that is not
Go somewhere be something
that will make you enjoy
every day of your life
This is a poem for you all

The Sport
Rene R.

This poem is for baseball.
This poem is about baseball
on how you dive on the outfield giving
up your body to give for a little white
ball. And on how you’re batting and the
pitcher throws the ball and it’s coming
at 100 mph speed and when it comes your
heart starts pounding like you’re going to
get hit with a car. When the ball passes
by your eye you blink and swing and
then the ball starts to fly in the
air and goes where no person gets to
it and it’s gone.

Elianay S.

This is a poem for angels
who are looking down on us.
People are walking slower or
faster or no people.
This poem is for my dog.
He is hurt he runs he
darts but inside he’s special.
This poem is about people. Everyone.
That will get lost for this poem.

Oh God Why
Antonio G.

Oh God there is shooting
This is a poem for people
Let’s go inside
People are falling to the bloody ground
Others crying and praying
Families shot everywhere
the cops nowhere in sight
Parents running saying Help! Help!
and then falling to the ground
Cars all shot up
tires flat
windows bulletproof
Oh God why


Mr. Czoski, Rm. 209, 7th grade

Come Together
Alejandra R.

come together.
This poem is for Lupe.
Everything is gone,
it messed up my life.
You leaving away makes
everyone stay awake.
This poem is for my mom.
There’s one thing in
live that I love the best.
Never forget never, never
This poem is for my dad.
Dad, you left us alone,
but I don’t have some
madness for U ‘cuz I
know that you love me
This poem’s for my
family that I love the most.
I want it to get fixed and
live in one home.

Better Congregation for the Nation
Joel V.

This poem is for the people.
We need a better congregation for the
nation. Our segregation isn’t done.
Matter of fact it’s just begun, take
us back to the stone age. The
politics are too strong and too
wrong but we the people
united can never be defeated
as long as we stand long
and strong then we could make it.

Don’t Go
Valentina G.

Please don’t go.
I’m worried, scared, sad and tired.
She’s getting ready.
She’s about to go.
I don’t want her to go.
Just please don’t go.
She’s been through enough.
She needs ME.
But I guess it’s her time to go.
I must let go.
And there she goes.
This poem is for my mom.

Impossible is Nothing
Edgar R.

This poem is 4 soccer…
I love soccer…but I don’t
have the same feelings about it
anymore. It’s my favorite thing
to do. But when I think about
it it’s like I’m just wasting my
time. One out of one million gets chose
2B professional…but I’m never
gonna give up until I’m that
one. The life lesson I learned
is that impossible is nothing…


Mrs. Bourret, Rm. 208, 7th grade

Melissa C.

Let's go back...back into
I wake up and the alarm
clock says 9 o'clock
Everywhere I go I hear
Time, Time, Time other
days some say, It's
time, what time is it?
My nerves take over me
and in my mind it goes
Tick Tock Tick Tock
No one is ever on time
It's like a final
destination when you're
almost dead but you
never know when
your life is over
I'm in a rush I'm in
a hurry I'm late
Oh my God!! I need
more time seriously
all these words mean
the same
Come with me to the
future you need I need
some more time
So let's go back into

Anissa V.

This is a poem for people who
are afraid
If you take a look around,
people look the same, act the
same, and speak the same
I wonder why this is,
why people are afraid to be
their own person,
afraid to create their own path

You shouldn't care what others
might think,
you shouldn't be afraid if you want
to go out for ballet
even if you're a boy
You shouldn't hesitate if you want
to do football,
even if you're a girl
reach for stars
don't let them stop you
take my hand
I'll help guide you
don't be afraid to live

Karina A.

This is a poem about life.
Old. New. Young. Old.
I want to be dead, but still living
every day.
This is a poem for everyone.
Alive or dead. Standing still or in
the grave. This is a poem that will
change the world and the way
people will look at me; differently.
I want to leave and never
come back. But then again thinking it
over again, the people I'll miss
and objects too. This is a poem
that starts a story but always
ends the same way.


Mrs. Harris, Rm. 210, 7th grade

Bobby Jerrysonkins
Lorenzo R.

This poem is about someone I care about...
Energetic, funny, hyper...
Doing cartwheels and writing on mirrors...
Living life your way...not the way you're told...
Night is your morning and morning is tired...
Talking forever...
Watching and listening...being aware...
Hearing one thing...never forgiving...
But I still love you...

Dear My Mom Poem
Daniela M.

This poem is for Jorge M-
who doesn't let me breathe
without asking him
who keeps me trapped in my
room like I'm not important
who doesn't listen to what I have
to say
who leaves me furious when
he ignores me
This poem is for my mom
I don't want to live here
the screaming the yelling the slamming
the same thing every day
I'm not sure if only you
knew how I feel

The Different Poem
Janan A.

This is a poem for my mother and father
who have always worked hard in
their lives.
This is a poem for people to read
anytime or anywhere

This is a poem that will bring happiness
to people.

This is a poem I have to think
about when I write.

This is a poem for children to read
to their pets.

This is a poem that is different from
the others.

This is a poem I have to stare at
people in order to think.

This is a poem I write with a smile
on my face.

This is a poem for my uncle that
passed away
and I will always love him and miss

This is a poem for things in the

But mostly, this is a poem for me, that
I have written in a different way.

This is a poem that does not label anyone.

Come Back
Gabriela S.

This is a poem for my friends.
I want to party.
I want to write a poem to take all of my anger out.
This is a poem for my dog.
I want it to come back home.
I want to tell my dog I miss him.
I want to talk to someone that will listen to me.
This is a poem for my dream.

Chris S.

This is a poem for you
just for you like
people were skating
crying bleeding
breaking their bones
going to hospitals
getting X-rays
getting screws
in their knees
wrists elbows
having surgery
staying home
for weeks and
skating all
over again


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

GO LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

r_grace said...

Thank YOU for the good poetry...I wouldn't have anything to put on the website without your contributions. Love you, too. :)